裸のラリーズ Great White Wonder 4CDBOXSET水谷孝
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LES RALLIZES DENUDES (裸のラリーズ) / Great White Wonder (4CD BOX)
#裸のラリーズ #水谷孝 #超貴重ボックスセット
1974年の明治学院、1975年の渋谷アダンスタジオ、1977年7月22日御茶ノ水・日仏会館公演、そして1980.11.07 神奈川大学でのライヴの抜粋をコンパイルした4CDボックス『Great White Wonder』。
Disc 1: 1974.07.13
1 Field of Artificial Flower 8:32
2 Inside Heart 10:04
3 Otherwise Fallin' in Love with You 7:42
4 Angel (10:01
5 Otherwise Fallin' in Love with You (4:50
6 You Were Known (11:36) / 7 The Last One 20:27
Disc 2: 1975.10.01
1 Deeper Than the Night (10:58)
2 Otherwise Fallin' in Love with You (8:25
3 Field of Artificial Flower (6:10
4 White Waking (5:33
5 A Memory is far (9:10
6 Improvisation (1:51
Disc 3: 1977.07.22
1 Dream (5:57
2 Night of the Assassins (7:30
3 Field of Artificial Flower (5:16
4 The Night Collectors (6:31
5 Flames of Ice (14:06
6 A Voice of Bird (10:01
Disc 4: 1980.11.07 (Bonus Disc)
1 Flames of Ice (16:17
2 Night of the Assassins (18:04
3 Deeper Than the Night (14:36
4 A Memory Is Far (13:29
5 Deeper Than the Night Part 2 (8:57
#裸のラリーズ #水谷孝 #超貴重ボックスセット
1974年の明治学院、1975年の渋谷アダンスタジオ、1977年7月22日御茶ノ水・日仏会館公演、そして1980.11.07 神奈川大学でのライヴの抜粋をコンパイルした4CDボックス『Great White Wonder』。
Disc 1: 1974.07.13
1 Field of Artificial Flower 8:32
2 Inside Heart 10:04
3 Otherwise Fallin' in Love with You 7:42
4 Angel (10:01
5 Otherwise Fallin' in Love with You (4:50
6 You Were Known (11:36) / 7 The Last One 20:27
Disc 2: 1975.10.01
1 Deeper Than the Night (10:58)
2 Otherwise Fallin' in Love with You (8:25
3 Field of Artificial Flower (6:10
4 White Waking (5:33
5 A Memory is far (9:10
6 Improvisation (1:51
Disc 3: 1977.07.22
1 Dream (5:57
2 Night of the Assassins (7:30
3 Field of Artificial Flower (5:16
4 The Night Collectors (6:31
5 Flames of Ice (14:06
6 A Voice of Bird (10:01
Disc 4: 1980.11.07 (Bonus Disc)
1 Flames of Ice (16:17
2 Night of the Assassins (18:04
3 Deeper Than the Night (14:36
4 A Memory Is Far (13:29
5 Deeper Than the Night Part 2 (8:57
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