ラスト1点 [新品]10セット冊Usborne VERY FIRST WORDS
商品售價 |
商品狀態 | 新品、未使用 |
賣家ID | Mima ちゃんのBookStore |
賣家評價 | 185701 |
商品所在地 | 東京都 |
日本當地運費 | 送料込み(出品者負担) |
發送方式 | ゆうゆうメルカリ便 |
預計出貨時間 | 2~3日で発送 |
✅ Usborne VERY FIRST WORDS 10 books .
✅ The book is suitable for children who are starting to learn and interact with English. Baby 1+
✔Full hardcover book, rounded corners. Children learn and play very durably and safely.
✔Book size 12*14 cm is contained in a hard box..
✅ Provides simple vocabulary of 10 basic topics:
- 123
- Animals
- At Home
- Things that go
- My Body
- Bed time
- On Vocation.
Each book has 12 hardcover pages, an average of 3-5 vocabulary words per page. On average, children learn more than 400 vocabulary words. After completing this set of books, your child will learn quite a bit of vocabulary. He or she can get used to reading and learn to say simple sentences.
◎ Notes
Due to international transport, the book and box may have some scratches, dents, small scratches and stains.
✅ The book is suitable for children who are starting to learn and interact with English. Baby 1+
✔Full hardcover book, rounded corners. Children learn and play very durably and safely.
✔Book size 12*14 cm is contained in a hard box..
✅ Provides simple vocabulary of 10 basic topics:
- 123
- Animals
- At Home
- Things that go
- My Body
- Bed time
- On Vocation.
Each book has 12 hardcover pages, an average of 3-5 vocabulary words per page. On average, children learn more than 400 vocabulary words. After completing this set of books, your child will learn quite a bit of vocabulary. He or she can get used to reading and learn to say simple sentences.
◎ Notes
Due to international transport, the book and box may have some scratches, dents, small scratches and stains.
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