Rare Earth - One World 1971 vinyl
「One World」は、1971年にリリースされたRare Earthの4枚目のスタジオアルバムです。このアルバムは、彼らのキャリアにおいて重要な瞬間を示しており、特に有名なシングル「I Just Want to Celebrate」はゴールドディスクを獲得しました 。
ロックとR&Bの融合を特徴としており、ブルーアイド・ソウルの要素も含まれています。収録曲には、オリジナル曲とレイ・チャールズの「What’d I Say」のカバーが含まれています。他の収録曲としては、「If I Die」、「The Seed」、「Someone to Love」、「Any Man Can Be a Fool」、「The Road」、「Under God’s Light」などがあります。これらの曲は、バンドの多様性と高い演奏技術を示しています。
"One World" is the fourth studio album by Rare Earth, released in June 1971. This album marks a significant moment in their career, featuring the famous single "I Just Want to Celebrate." This track became a gold certification.
The album is characterized by a blend of rock and R&B, with elements of blue-eyed soul. It includes original songs as well as a cover of Ray Charles' "What’d I Say." Other tracks on the album include "If I Die," "The Seed," "Someone to Love," "Any Man Can Be a Fool," "The Road," and "Under God’s Light." These tracks demonstrate the band's versatility and high level of instrumental skill.
ロックとR&Bの融合を特徴としており、ブルーアイド・ソウルの要素も含まれています。収録曲には、オリジナル曲とレイ・チャールズの「What’d I Say」のカバーが含まれています。他の収録曲としては、「If I Die」、「The Seed」、「Someone to Love」、「Any Man Can Be a Fool」、「The Road」、「Under God’s Light」などがあります。これらの曲は、バンドの多様性と高い演奏技術を示しています。
"One World" is the fourth studio album by Rare Earth, released in June 1971. This album marks a significant moment in their career, featuring the famous single "I Just Want to Celebrate." This track became a gold certification.
The album is characterized by a blend of rock and R&B, with elements of blue-eyed soul. It includes original songs as well as a cover of Ray Charles' "What’d I Say." Other tracks on the album include "If I Die," "The Seed," "Someone to Love," "Any Man Can Be a Fool," "The Road," and "Under God’s Light." These tracks demonstrate the band's versatility and high level of instrumental skill.
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