Mr. Lion's New Hair! 絵本
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Mr. Lionが新しい髪型を探す楽しい物語。
- タイトル: Mr. Lion's New Hair!
- 著者: Britta Teckentrup
- 内容: 絵本・児童書
- テーマ: 自己表現
- 言語: 英語
- 対象年齢: 幼児・子供向け
A hilarious hair adventure about always being true to yourself: Oh no! Mr. Lion is having a bit of trouble with his mane. Luckily, his friend Monkey is around to help. But what hairdo is right for Mr. Lion? Should he wear braids . . . or dye his hair red? Try pigtails . . . or add a tiara?
• A playful hair-themed book with a die-cut and silly illustrations on every spread
• Featuring an amusing story about finding the best look, young readers will learn the importance of always being true to yourself
• Sturdy board book design is just right for little hands
Britta Teckentrup, renowned author and illustrator, takes readers on an entertaining journey through Mr. Lion's many hairstyles.
* * 出版社 : Twirl
* * 発売日 : 2021/8/24
* * 言語 : 英語
* * ボードブック : 36ページ
* * 対象読者年齢 : 3 ~ 5 歳
* * 寸法 : 17.02 x 2.03 x 23.88 cm
- タイトル: Mr. Lion's New Hair!
- 著者: Britta Teckentrup
- 内容: 絵本・児童書
- テーマ: 自己表現
- 言語: 英語
- 対象年齢: 幼児・子供向け
A hilarious hair adventure about always being true to yourself: Oh no! Mr. Lion is having a bit of trouble with his mane. Luckily, his friend Monkey is around to help. But what hairdo is right for Mr. Lion? Should he wear braids . . . or dye his hair red? Try pigtails . . . or add a tiara?
• A playful hair-themed book with a die-cut and silly illustrations on every spread
• Featuring an amusing story about finding the best look, young readers will learn the importance of always being true to yourself
• Sturdy board book design is just right for little hands
Britta Teckentrup, renowned author and illustrator, takes readers on an entertaining journey through Mr. Lion's many hairstyles.
* * 出版社 : Twirl
* * 発売日 : 2021/8/24
* * 言語 : 英語
* * ボードブック : 36ページ
* * 対象読者年齢 : 3 ~ 5 歳
* * 寸法 : 17.02 x 2.03 x 23.88 cm
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